
So easy, we'll even collect from you!

You can return any item for a refund within 30 days of receiving your original order. If you wish to return a product within this period, a full refund (minus a collection charge fee if applicable) will be issued if the following conditions are met:

  • Goods must be rolled/sealed in the original packaging.
  • Goods must not have been used, tampered with or fitted in any way.
  • Goods must be returned in full, including all parts and any free products or documentation.
All goods will be inspected on return.

If you'd like to return something, simply arrange it here for a collection date that suits you!

The goods are your responsibility until they reach our warehouse, so make sure they're packed up properly and can’t get damaged on the way!

We are not responsible for any items that are returned to us by mistake

In the unlikely event that an item is returned to us in an unsuitable condition, we may have to send it back to you.

Free Gifts & Related Free / Discount Promotions are excluded from the refundable value.

Collection Charges

We can collect with our carrier and provide you with a refund as long as the item or un-fitted material can still be collected and safely transported back in the original packaging. A charge for collection will be deducted from your refund. This charge is typically £59.95, however for collections of accessories only, this will be reduced to only £29.95. If you are located outside of Mainland UK or Northern Ireland, for example within the Scottish Highlands or on an offshore island, we may have to increase this charge further to help offset the additional costs that we will incur. Please be aware that return 3rd party collection charges are more expensive than original outbound delivery charges. If we have delivered the wrong order to you, or if the products arrived faulty, you will not be charged for the collection. If a product is returned as damaged/faulty by the customer, and upon inspection is found to be undamaged/without fault; we reserve the right to deduct collection charges and a 'made to measure' fee from your refund.

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